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TBLeague - 1/12 Death Dealer
A massive 50 ft wall of stone and wrought iron that separated a land of eviland the unholy was constructed by an ancient civilization thousands of yearsago. No one knows exactly when it was built, but its intent was to keep theevil that lurks within separate from the good and holy outside its perimeters.Behind this wall are thousands of acres of swamp and mountain ranges thatare forbidden to be visited by mankind; anyone who entered was never heardfrom again. An ancient tribe spoke of a demonic figure that lived among thedead. He was called The Death Dealer. He had eyes of fire, and was theembodiment of darkness.During the time of the Norsemen around 1200 A.D., there was a kingdommiles from the gated entrance to this evil place. It was ruled by a powerfulking named Jaro, who feared no man and used this land as a sacrificial placeto deal with men that committed brutal and violent crimes; if one would befound guilty of murder, they would be sentenced to the Bad Lands, left behindthe towering walls, never to be seen again.The land inside the walls were not to be visited by those who were good andlawful, and everyone knew that if they crossed over into the Death Dealer'sdomain they would never return. The Death Dealer rode atop a large, blackhorse, and would execute any who visited this place with one fell swoop of hisaxe. He was even so powerful that he had an army of the living dead at hiscommand.The Death Dealer stands enormous, draped with a chain-link skirt, a darkcloak, and a horned helmet. His eyes burn like fire and no one is certain of hisorigin. It is told that he is as old as time itself.
Packing list:1 1 x armed head sculpt2 1 x TBLeague 1/12 male seamless body with metal skeleton3 3 pairs x interchangeable hands4 1 x black sleeveless robe with a pair of briefs5 1 x midsection armor skull plate & belt6 1 x chainmail-like skirt7 1 pair x shoulder guards8 1 x shoulder strap9 1 x necklace with tooth accessories10 1 pair x wrist guards11 1 pair x lower leg sleeves12 1 pair x lower leg guards13 1 pair x battle footwear with spurs14 1 x cloak15 1 x machete16 1 set x battle sword & sheath17 1 x shield18 1 x base & holder
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