Dann Kriss Games - Tavern Masters

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Run the best fantasy tavern in the village! Entertain the patrons! Earn the gold!

Each player is a new tavern owner, setting up shop in a thirsty village full of thugs and soldiers, mages and nobles! There are multiple ways to play Tavern Masters: Competitive, Co-Operative, or Single Player

During the Day Phase, players play Tavern cards from their hand with Gold to build up their tavern, so that during Night Phase more Patrons will come to their tavern and spend more gold.

One key feature in this game is Trading. Players can trade goods and staff cards from their hand or their tavern, which adds for both a fun game dynamic and great player interaction.

Another fun dynamic is that turns are taken simultaneously during each Phase, so there is no "player down-time". Also, there is no "player elimination".

In the base game of Tavern Masters, there are no "take that" cards, or cards which would negatively impact another player directly. This makes for less tense game-play for players who do not enjoy looking over their shoulder each turn at who will attack or betray them.